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December 08, 2018

這個熱鬧繽紛的豎琴演奏會,表演多首經典電影金曲如冰雪奇緣、天空之城、龍貓、美女與野獸、及經典聖誕歌曲等等,與大家歡度2018年聖誕。是次音樂會更邀了著名歌唱家JESSICA NG,憑音樂天賦和美妙歌聲帶領大家走進冬日溫暖的世界。

Symmetry Duo at Midday Oasis

November 18, 2018

萬勿錯過即將舉行的第100次「午間心靈綠洲」音樂會! 下星期一 (11月19日),由校友何靜文 (豎琴)及何樂文 (豎琴) 組成的豎琴二重奏Symmetry Duo 會為大家演奏多首悅耳動聽的樂章,包括聖桑《動物狂歡節》中的「水族館」、「化石」、「天鵝」與「終曲」,以及法朗克優美動人的《前奏曲、賦格與變奏》和湯瑪士《慢板》。 歡迎任何人士參加於香港中文大學崇基學院禮拜堂下午1時30分舉行的「午間心靈綠洲」音樂會!

Come celebrate with us the 100th Midday Oasis Lunchtime Concert next Monday (Nov 19)! Formed by alumni Judy Ho (Harp) and Jennifer Ho (Harp), the Symmetry Duo will perform a wide variety of music that you love, from César Franck’s beautiful Prélude, Fugue et Variation, Op.18, Saint-Saëns’s The Carnival of the Animals (Aquarium, Fossils, The Swan & Finale) to John Thomas’ Adagio. All are welcome, and we’ll see you at 1:30pm, Mondays @ Chung Chi College Chapel, The Chinese University of Hong Kong!

“ 停一停,想一想,再重新出發 …” 
“Pause and ponder, as we depart…”

Symmetry Duo豎琴二重奏音樂會
日期:十一月十九日 (星期一)
時間:下午1:30 – 1:55分 
表演者: 何靜文 (豎琴)、何樂文 (豎琴)

Harp Duo Concert by Symmetry Duo
Date: November 19 (Monday)
Time: 1:30pm-1:55pm
Venue: Chung Chi College Chapel, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 
Performers: Judy Ho (Harp), Jennifer Ho (Harp)
Fee: Free 


July 05, 2018


台灣 香港 上海 四位豎琴家同台演出,這次豎琴四重奏演奏法國德布西的<鋼琴小組曲>,呈現不同的韻味;有如水波般的琶音擺動明麗動人的《船歌》,活潑俏皮的《遊行》,典雅氣質的《小步舞曲》和如跳躍感的《芭蕾》圓舞曲。德布西曲風優雅浪漫,如詩如畫的色彩如同印象派大師莫內(Monet)的畫,透過光影的變化流露出朦朧之美將帶來與眾不同的聽覺饗宴。


Divertissement by Trois Voix

June 17, 2018

Debussy remains an iconic figure even after 100 years of his death. Having composed a set of chamber

works for uncommon instrumental groupings (Six sonates pour divers instruments), he is a pioneer of the music

language in the 19th century, with his music changing the traditional harmonic system and instrumentation.

Debussy's Sonata for Flute, Viola and Harp, written in 1915, is the first major composition written for this

ensemble. His evolutionary works have inspired more compositions for this trio by the next generation of

composers, such as Toru Takemitsu and Arnold Bax. With numerous festivals and concerts commemorating the

100th anniversary of Claude Debussy's death this year, Trois Voix is delighted to present Debussy’s music

alongside the world of other French and British composers in their concert “Divertissement”. Three outstanding

local musicians, Janet Cheung (Flute), Ringo Chan (Viola) and Judy Ho (Harp) will play music ranged from the

Baroque era to the Twentieth century. Apart from music originally written for this trio, they will also play

transcriptions from Jean Marie Leclair and Maurice Ravel. Their performance guarantees the audience a refreshing

and engaging journey of musical discovery.


March 22, 2018

“Jessica Ng has a bright voice with a light timbre ... [which] soon completely convinced with its charm and appeal…. The last part of the concert contained the most compelling music. Ng's performance was a powerful journey and presented strong contrasting material. The harp-playing was sublime and above the realm of accompaniment. Ho proved herself a magician…” -Paul Boekkooi, Beeld1

Svetlana Zakharova and Vadim Repin Pas de deux for Toes and Fingers

February 26, 2023

Widely regarded as the finest violinist and ballerina of their generation, husband and wife Vadim Repin and Svetlana Zakharova are the music and dance world’s celebrity couple par excellence. Celebrated for their fabulous talent in the concert hall and on stage, they come together in a specially devised gala that shows off their artistry to perfection. This concert is joint by Gustav Mahler Orchestra (Hong Kong Arts Festival)

The Ring Cycle Part 4 - Götterdämmerung

January 17, 2018

With excellent reviews in both the local and international press, HK Phil’s Ring Cycle reaches its closing installment of the 4 parts Ring Cycle journey with Götterdämmerung.

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