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Symmetry Duo

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Symmetry Duo was formed in 2013 by sisters Judy and Jennifer Ho from Hong Kong. Both are recipients of Masters Degrees from some of the best music colleges in London. Despite that they are classically trained, they are also keen to make new arrangements and play a wide range of music. Within a few years, they have brought joy and amusement to audience around the world with their own arrangements, classic original music as well as new commission duo piece. They are passionate about bringing harp music to audiences in an interactive and approachable way. In 2015, they appeared at the First Taiwan International Harp Festival and the following year, they were invited as guest performers at the Third Asia Harp Festival in Korea. In 2017, With the generous support of Tanza Trust, Symmetry Duo commissioned and premiered Paul Patterson's new duo piece at the 13th World Harp Congress; in the same year, they premiered Parish Alvars's double harp concerto with the Chung Chi Wind Orchestra at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. 


Symmetry Duo於2013年成立,由兩位香港的豎琴姐妹何靜文和何樂文組成。她們都在英國倫敦頂尖的音樂學院接受古典音樂訓練。她們不僅表演古典音樂,也熱衷演奏爵士樂、流行曲和自己的編曲作品,以悅耳輕快的豎琴音樂與觀眾交流互動。她們在短短的幾年間已在在世世界各地合演了多場音樂會,把自己的改編作品、經典原作及特別委約的新作帶給觀眾,而在倫敦的首演更獲得星島日報的報導。Symmetry Duo於2015年和2016年分別獲邀為台灣第一屆國際豎琴節及韓國亞洲豎琴節擔任表演嘉賓;在2017年獲得坦莎基金的贊助,於三年一度的第13屆世界豎琴大會首演為作曲家Paul Patterson的二重奏作品,同年獲中文大學邀請與崇基管樂團演出Parish Alvars的豎琴二重奏協奏曲。


SingTao Daily in London (星島日報 倫敦版), published on 1st March, 2014

© Jan 2018 by Ching Man Ho, Judy

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